By Robert Middleton - Action Plan Marketing
OK, so you're writing a book to get your message out.
And you want it to bring you new business, too.
Maybe you started it a week ago or even five years ago.
If you are like most authors, you probably have a few issues about getting it written, published and then using it to increase your business. For instance, despite the terrific professional and financial benefits a book can quickly give you and your business, the unfortunate fact is that many authors never finish the book they're writing.
Moreover, many of those who publish their book don't bring in as much new business from the book as other authors do.
You don't have to be one of those ugly statistics. According to my friend, publishing and marketing expert John Eggen, there are three key elements to writing a good book that are necessary if you want it to also attract new business to you.
They are:
1. You need to write a quality book on the right topic for the right audience.
2. You need to manage your time and your mind if you want to actually finish it.
3. You need to package your book appropriately inside as well as outside to attract business.
Each of these things is essential to a successful book. Below are John's Three Book Writing Strategies to ensure that you not only complete your book, but also create a quality book that will attract more business to you.
These strategies are based on his decades of experience in helping independent professionals as well as gurus to succeed in publishing:
1. Write the Right Book
If you want to write a book that not only is meaningful to your reader but also attracts business to you, then you need to start by setting an intention to write a book that will serve people in your business' target market.
The next step is to pick a topic that appeals to them.
The best way to usually do that is to identify the biggest business pains and dreams your target market has for which they also have a history of paying for solutions.
Then choose one of them as your book topic.
One shortcut you can use is to ask yourself, "What information do I have or have access to that, if my target market knew I had it, they'd hire me instantly?"
John says that this shortcut often leads to a great topic for a business-attracting book.
2. Manage Your Time and Your Mind
You can write and publish a book fast--in the time you already have--if you do two things: make productive use of the time you have and tame the gremlins in your mind (from overwhelm to negative self-talk to self-sabotage).
To get your book done in the time you already have available, write your book like the pros do.
For instance, write your first draft "stream of consciousness" without any editing until after the draft is done. This puts your analytic mind aside and opens your creative flow.
Multiply your results simply by writing in short uninterrupted 30-60 minute bursts.
To get it done even faster, speak your book into print rather than writing it. There are many ways available to do this.
John says if you combine these three time management tips, you can do your entire book draft in just 8-9 hours total for most books.
However, for ultimate success, you must also manage your mind. When obstacles and setbacks occur, how we choose to respond determines whether we continue or get stuck.
John says many authors never finish their book because they don't know who to turn to when they need help. Others silently succumb to those gremlins of their own mind.
The solution is to know who to turn to for help when you need it and make sure you'll have access to them to get the support you need when you get stuck.
3. Package it Inside and Out
If you want your book to not only communicate your message meaningfully to your reader but also to attract new business, then both your book text and cover need to be developed appropriately.
Regarding your cover, John says nearly 100 years of market testing has discovered there are nine cover elements that can make or break sales from a book.
By priority, they are: your book's title, sub-title, testimonials, back cover headline, back cover benefit copy, author bio, cover color, cover design and spine treatment.
However, unbeknownst to most authors, publishing insiders also use many tasteful marketing methods within the pages of their books that are very effective in attracting new business.
An easy one to start with is to add back matter pages to your book that tastefully but compellingly promote your services and other offers that serve your readers.
When you are writing your book, use these three of John’s strategies to help you succeed.
More Clients Bottom Line: Just like a three-legged stool needs all the legs to stand up, your book needs all three of John's Book Writing Strategies to succeed. Be sure to write the right book. Manage your time and your mind. And appropriately package it inside and out.
Free TeleClass: "Write a Good Book Fast that Attracts New Business" In an eZine article, we can only touch on a few of the ideas John has used successfully with his clients.
In fact, more than 255 of my subscribers and clients have worked with John in his quick-start publishing programs. And they have been very successful.
So I asked John to offer a TeleClass that would go into more depth about how to write a quality book that can attract new clients and generate multiple income streams.
Live case studies will also be provided during the call by actual book authors who are my subscribers and have used John's time-tested system to write their book.
And there will be live Q&A to answer your questions, too.
If you've started writing a book (or are thinking of it), I highly recommend you attend.
It's on Thursday, July 28, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific/8:00 p.m. Eastern
Click here and reserve your space now:
Thanks for the good advice. All three strategies are helpful and practical, and yet easy for new authors to overlook. I'd like to add that one form of support is a professional freelance editor (or two). Copyediting is an essential part of packaging the book text (#3) so that it's clear, compelling, and makes a positive, professional impression. And a skilled developmental editor or book coach can help authors with #1 and #2.
Posted by: Kathy Carter | July 19, 2011 at 04:09 PM