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December 27, 2010


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Mar Junge

Hi Robert,
My Mom had Parkinson's and every December for many years she lamenented, "I'm going to die before Christmas." We'd assure her that she was "a strong woman from old country" and would probably outlive us. She died 13 years ago on December 13 at the age of 72. It's hard to lose a parent. It's even harder when that happens around the Holidays. You're in my thoughts. ---Mar

Patrick Dominguez

Robert, so sorry to hear about your loss.

I appreciated reading your tribute to your mother, I was really moved by what you wrote, as well as the fitting quotes from Steve Jobs. And I appreciate the generosity and spirit of contribution that runs through your family.

- Patrick

Pamela Slim

Thanks so much for sharing your Mom with us Robert, she sounds like an amazing woman.

As someone married to a "First Nation" citizen (my husband is Navajo), I especially appreciate her efforts and love for native people.

I remember when my grandpa passed away at 90 years old my mom (who was about 65 at the time) told me that no matter how much you know your parent has had a full life and is ready to leave the earth, it is still so painful to lose that parental connection.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family this new years. Wishing lots of love, joy and prosperity in the new year.

Thanks for all you do for your community. You have been a big source of inspiration for me for a long time.


The preciousness of life is in it's brevity.


My deep condolences. Losing a mother is hard.

Marc Yellin

What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
- Crowfoot

May your mother's memory be a blessing . . . .

Dawn Drozd

So sorry to hear about your mom. I recently attended a funeral and found the words on the prayer card particularly comforting. I hope they give you comfort as well...

If I should die and leave you here awhile,
be not like others, sore undone, who keep long vigil by the silent dust and weep.

For my sake turn again to life and smile. Nerving thy heart and trembling hand to do that which will comfort other souls than thine.

Complete these dear unfinished tasks of mine, and I, perchance may therein comfort you.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


Dear Robert:

My condolence to you on the death of your Mom, I've been there and it hurts. From what you've written she was a remarkable person, her legacy will live on.


An inspiring woman, thank you for sharing about her. She has made a difference through her life and you are ensuring she continues to do so through inspiring us all to make a difference in her memory.
Thank you and may peace be in your heart as you remember her.

Uzochukwu C. E.

May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace.

Michaela Rosenberger

Thanks for sharing your appreciation for your mother's greatness. She really lived her heart and soul's contribution fully. Losing your mother is a profound experience. The quotes you shared are a great reminder for all of us. Each of us has come here to express the contribution that only we can make. That is the essence of success. Thank you for being a contribution to all of us.

Darlene Cook

Dear Bob,
Thank you for sharing some glimpses into your Mother's life through the thoughtful quotes. I found this Steve Jobs' quote especially interesting:

"Almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important... You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart."

As a 75-year-old woman I feel this way often and find acting upon it so very liberating. Long before her death at 90, I suspect your Mother did too.

Dianne Edleman

My heart is with you, Robert. The loss of a beloved mother is like no other. May your journey through grief lead you to a new and wonder-filled way of staying in communication with her.

Julia Mattern

Thanks for sharing about your mom and for your beautiful tribute to her. While I can't know your personal journey, I lost my own mom about 18 months ago and I do know that it is a significant time in your life. Please accept my heartfelt condolences for your loss and my wish for you to find peace on your journey through grief.

And I love what you said about your mom being responsible for all that is good in you. Your mom's legacy lives on through you and I have no doubt that she is very proud of the man that you are and of all that you do to help others.

Thanks also for sharing the beautiful quotes. They deeply touched my heart.


Robert, what a time of sorry to hear of your mom's passing. She must have been such a wonderful woman to have a son as generous and kind as you are. You're both in my prayers.

David Landis

Robert - our thoughts and prayers are with you but it sounds like your Mom was phenomenal. I'm sure she's smilling down from heaven as we speak. With sympathy, David Landis


Thank you for sharing about your beautiful mom. It is obvious she touched many lives and now she touches many through you.

One thought from my own belief system - is that death does not end our relationship with our loved ones. I read once that the wall between this life and the next is very thin and love makes the transition easily.

I am sure your mom is watching over you as much as ever. Parents don't let a little thing like death stop them from loving and taking care of their kids (no matter how old they are).

Christine Fisher

Robert my heart goes out to you. Thanks for sharing this beautiful and inspiring post.

Lara Fabans

I'm sorry for your loss. And thank you for the quotes. As the year "ends" we need to realize it's just a sign of a new "beginning" and that it's important to not get so hung up on the silliness of ego but to find something important to be passionate about.


I think your mom was very wise and it seems as though you catch 'glimpses' of her in the words and actions of others.

My Best wishes,

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