By Robert Middleton - Action Plan Marketing
Have you thought of this question: "If you could wave a magic wand, what would you give your clients to help them succeed above everything else?"
My answer would be "Passionate Commitment."
Yes, they'd still need to learn the principles, strategies and tactics of attracting clients, but with passionate commitment you can learn and do just about anything.
What amazes me is that so many of us (yes, I include myself) think that we can produce great results, make more money and make a difference in the lives of our clients without passionate commitment.
And if we could do all of these, would it be worth it without passionate commitment? I think not!
What are we really trying to accomplish in our businesses? I personally don't think it's anything external. We want external things for the inner experiences they can gives us. We want money for security. We want success for pride. We want to land that new client for the feeling of winning.
But all of these feelings pale in comparison to Passionate Commitment.
Passion: An intense desire or enthusiasm for something.
Commitment: Dedication; application; a pledge or undertaking
When it comes down to it, those who are most universally admired are those who consistently demonstrate passionate commitment. Look at those Chilean miners. We were in awe of who they were in the face of their ordeal.
But passionate commitment isn't for the rare person. It's available to anyone, anywhere in all times. A mother is passionately committed to her child. An Independent Professional is committed to their client's success.
But not always.
I spoke to a couple of my clients last week who no longer believed that business could be fun or that their practices could be exciting. You might say they were in a holding pattern in their businesses, nostalgic for earlier times and resigned to the fact that passionate commitment was no longer a reality.
But that's when my personal passionate commitment comes though the most. "Give me a break," I say. "You've been triggered by something and are now caught in a limiting belief. Is it really true? Of course not; it's a bad dream. Wake up!"
One of these clients not only woke up after our session, he went on to close a new client project for 70,000 Euros the next day. Things happen when you tap into your passionate commitment and those results stimulate even more passionate commitment.
There is nothing inherently passionate or deserving of commitment in any business. Nothing. It's something that you bring to your business every single day, no matter the circumstances. And that goes for graphic designers, coaches, speakers, consultants and house cleaners (I've been all of these).
Yes, passionately committed house cleaners bring order and calm to their clients' hectic lives. Passionately committed graphic designers bring beauty and clarity into their clients' businesses. Passionately committed coaches help their clients realize their dreams and then go beyond them.
The opposite of being passionately committed is, "Just going through the motions until I retire." Sounds a like a death sentence to me. Have you ever been there?
But what does it take to be passionately committed?
Is it something you can do at the drop of a hat? Not in my experience. It takes understanding, practice, experience, time and support. It's not an instant panacea.
But it IS the key.
Attend my special teleclass next week and find out more:
"Passionate Commitment and Six Other Traits for Attracting High-End Clients."
The More Clients Bottom Line: If you stop chasing after success, money, and more clients and instead discover your own passionate commitment for whatever you do, you'll have more success, money, and clients than you ever thought possible.
What are you passionately committed to in your business? Please share your answer on the More Clients Blog:
I've been thinking about this, Robert. Especially because I have some younger friends who are in college and they're very committed to their studies. They have their materials, they go to class 2x a week, they turn in their assignments and there is a new semester starting at the end of this week for some and next week for others.
They're passionately committed to doing their best to get their good grades because they want to get into the school of their choice later on (for those taking community college courses) and a job of their choice for those in traditional 4-year universities already.
I have not been as focused as these students with my marketing because I've given higher priority to other things (which I'm super glad that I did) and now I'm ready to return to my business and marketing efforts so I can reach more clients.
I'm passionately committed to eating living raw food. I'm passionately committed to living a happy, joyous life in which I feel good every day. I'm passionately committed to choosing goodness and choosing my life. And I love spending time with others who are seeking to do the same. I love the blend of outer game (raw food) with the inner game (emotional work) that allows for an amazing UPGRADE in overall lifestyle.
Great to put this all down as I just sat down at the computer to do some more of my new project work for the start of the new year. I've got some exciting things planned!
Thanks, Robert!
Posted by: Mona - Some Like It Raw | January 08, 2011 at 01:23 PM