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November 09, 2010


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Mona - Some Like It Raw

I've been thinking about this, Robert. Especially because I have some younger friends who are in college and they're very committed to their studies. They have their materials, they go to class 2x a week, they turn in their assignments and there is a new semester starting at the end of this week for some and next week for others.

They're passionately committed to doing their best to get their good grades because they want to get into the school of their choice later on (for those taking community college courses) and a job of their choice for those in traditional 4-year universities already.

I have not been as focused as these students with my marketing because I've given higher priority to other things (which I'm super glad that I did) and now I'm ready to return to my business and marketing efforts so I can reach more clients.

I'm passionately committed to eating living raw food. I'm passionately committed to living a happy, joyous life in which I feel good every day. I'm passionately committed to choosing goodness and choosing my life. And I love spending time with others who are seeking to do the same. I love the blend of outer game (raw food) with the inner game (emotional work) that allows for an amazing UPGRADE in overall lifestyle.

Great to put this all down as I just sat down at the computer to do some more of my new project work for the start of the new year. I've got some exciting things planned!

Thanks, Robert!

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