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August 30, 2010


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Patrick Combs


Excellent post on the weekend. I came home with a renewed sense of how many conscious entrepreneurs there are in the world to connect with. To me that means that we can choose to have all our partners and vendors and associates be of the kind that are doing their work for far more than money. And as we do, our own work will and fulfillment will go higher.

It was great to connect with you at the weekend.
And thanks for a great post.

Burn Bright,

Jacqueline Hadden

Hi Robert,

Connection, collaboration and Awareness were most certainly a theme for all of us at the Conscious Business Playground.

I was thunderstruck by the detail you were able to articulate in your blog. Thank you for your contribution at the event, and now in summerizing it enabling your tribe to benefit as well.

I love your "How can I" questions. Rodin's thinker comes to mind here, as you have given some positively penetrating thoughts to ponder!

The tone of your words are tremendous, and bring mind to a quote from Tony Hsieh of Zappos "Chase the vision, and the money will follow".

With much admiration,

Melanie Benson Strick

Robert, I'm still inspired by how we all connected in the spirit of co-creating the process (and the answers.)

Thanks for sharing it so eloquently with your readers.

I shared this Conscious Business Playground insight with my Twitter connections:

"You have a conscious business if you make decisions on how well you serve your clients BEFORE how much $$ it makes you."

So glad to know I'm not alone in this quest. =-)


Morgana Rae

Thank you for summarizing the weekend so clearly, Robert!

You're such a gift to the business world. Thank you for contributing your wisdom to my outlook.

Morgana Rae

suk limbu

i never forget that day when i was trying to make a action plan of ramadan business where i am jobbing " panda super market in saudi arabia". i found this action then being always happy. really u r great dear robert and i'm starting to see and study your weekly marketing isuue and fairly hope that will 100% guide to me, specially to my field so to me and like me who are intresting to know it. the great u r dear robert go ahead...................

Linda Kolker

I read your post with interest this morning. Wonderful that you and friends are exploring this.

Much has been written about servant leadership, and people are practicing it all over the place--entrepreneurs, corporate and non-profit execs. etc.

I've been a marketing consultant for years, and have quietly been coming from the place of service from the heart for years. It works, and it's good for the bank account.

Patrick Dominguez

Excellent Robert, loved this post (read it twice), an inspiring capture of the spirit of the event. Your renewed sense of passion and hope came through loud and clear from this moving post!

Especially liked this passage:
[I realized that I needed to make "higher purpose" just as important in my work with clients as attracting more money.]

With appreciation,

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