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April 13, 2010


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aron brajtman

I too would like to compliment you on your candidness.
I guess we never stop learning,revising and changing. Only in the simple story books does the master ever know it all.


Lyle Parkyn

It's strange the journey we have to take to arrive at clarity. Strange but necessary.

In my mind it's always been InfoGuru, but then I've had the manual for years. Obviously a brand that sticks.

You've come up with some great ideas the last few years. I've enjoyed following your progress.

Gary Slavin


Even though you left the brand behind, I always referred to you as the InfoGuru when mentioning you to others. I guess this is a good indication of what a great job you did in branding yourself in the first place. Great move in returning to a brand that truly indicates what you do and how you help others.

Donald Tex Bryant

Welcome back to the brand you started. I must admit that I was saddened as I saw you drift from this stance. I started with the Infoguru marketing manual some years ago and really liked it. I found it fit my way of thinking and doing things. It has emboldened me to market to my target audience and try to serve them well. Well, it has made me bold. So, I am glad to see that you have returned to your roots! I am comfortable with your product once again.


ahh, Robert, I love your self-disclosure ... and it's reassuring to know that even the 'Gurus' have 'duh' moments (in their own minds at least) sometimes.

I'm soooo glad to see the InfoGuru brand back - while I had noticed you'd stopped using it, I still think of you as the InfoGuru 'Guru'.

Also, I love your InfoGuru 'map' ... great visual to demosntrate the concept.

So 'welcome back' to Guru status ... I'm guessing it's where you've always been in your tribes eyes ... but the shift back in your own is the kicker :-)


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