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March 23, 2010


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Susan Pomeroy

Good one, Robert. I think it's true, it's surprisingly easy to settle for mediocrity. Especially when (for me, at least) there's a lack of confidence--as I often feel with marketing. But these days, and especially on the web, nothing is set in stone, and everything can be changed and reworked. I really admire businesses that can keep doing that. Thanks for the inspiration to be one of them!

Nancy Francisco

Thank you Robert. This was very helpful to read today. To keep persisting, doing what you can do. It seems so simple and yet not so easy when negative voices get the upper hand over what's really true.

I have been using your planning system and finding that really helpful in persisting, taking the next step. It helps to have a full list of actions to take. I am accomplishing more and refocusing faster. Thanks for the encouragement Robert.


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