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December 28, 2009


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I am going to "fire" clients that don't value our services....and find more that do! That's one reason why I like being the boss. :) We have options to run things the way we like!

Judy Murdoch

Really succinct, helpful list of "to dos" for marketing.

@Ian, good idea re writing down promotional goals...maybe a schedule so you can make sure you're promoting consistently over time.

Now let's make it a mindmap and add a visual component!

Happy New Years!
Judy Murdoch

Lyle T. Lachmuth - The Unsticking Coach

THANKS Robert!

This is one of the clearest, best descriptions of the marketing process you've ever written (IMHO).

Cheers, Lyle
"Helping Authors & Writers Get Unblocked"

Ian Brodie

Hi Robert,

My only addition is to say that I'd produce a detailed plan for each of the strategies or methods (speaking, networking, article writing, etc.)

Over the last couple of years this has really worked for me.

It's amazing the difference in results between a written down plan and the plan most of us have: a "plan in your head".

2 years ago I set a goal of getting more speaking engagements. But I didn't write down a plan and nothing happened. Last year I wrote down a plan with all the necessary action steps to achieve it. My original goal was to speak at 12 events during the year. By mid year I'd beaten the target, and was averaging 2-3 speaking events per month. Simply writing down the plan and reviewing progress monthly & weekly forced me to put those action steps at the front of my mind and to carry them out.


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