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December 07, 2009


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Erin Smith

Hi, I think nowadays more people are aware of what virtual assistant is and how to work with them and really a Virtual Assistant can help you out in your business. They can handle wide variety of support services through a single point of contact.
And this article is EXCELLENT and thanks for all that information

Erin Smith

This blog is really very informative. I think every few people know how a Virtual assistant can help their business. Virtual assistant utilize latest technologies to deliver their services and to communicate with clients and they can handle wide variety of support services through a single point of contact. Virtual assistant can make one's life easier and better!

virtual assistants

Alyson B. Stanfield

I started my list, but I'm missing a column. I think I need a column titled "Things I Should be Doing but Don't Make Time For" or "Like to Do But am Avoiding." For me, research and reading falls in this category. I always get a lot out of it, but don't seem to make time for it.

Bea Tsola

This must be the most important thing i've read the whole year when i consider the loads of tasks i've deferred either because i didn't like or avoided just because i felt i didn't have the time. Gives me stuff to work on beginning next year starting with completing my website and going through the entire infoguru manual. Great stuff Robert!


I’m a To-Do List girl and really like this idea. I have MULTIPLE projects in the works and always coming up with more that I get excited about. But unfortunately I get very few completed because I become overwhelmed.

Next year I’m going to select just 1 big project a month, like getting a product I developed submitted to HSN and QVC. To make sure I don’t just skip over it during the week, I’m going to schedule the time in as a client appointment. I would never cancel a client appointment so I’m committed to not cancelling my own appointment.

What I started in October for my marketing, is to just select 5 things that I’m going to focus on each month with a goal date as well as what day I will do them, like posting on Linkin every weekend, completing my lead generation list by December 15th. This system has really made a difference in keeping me focused.

As Entrepreneurs we juggle so many things, so thank you for the great idea.

Joe Paul

Great Stuff. Your article this week has given me food for thought.

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