I've spoken about shifting paradigms in this eZine before. These days this is the main thing I'm thinking about - both as it relates to my life and to my marketing and business.
We're seeing a lot of change these days, but a paradigm shift isn't just about change. Change is the end result of a paradigm shift. A real paradigm shift is about transformation.
Change is about doing things differently; transformation is about thinking and perceiving differently. Change results in different methods and different technology. Transformation results in different attitudes and different mindsets.
Change rarely leads to transformation, but transformation always leads to change. That is, all real paradigm shifts start with the way we think, what we believe, and our underlying assumptions.
And so it is with marketing our businesses. We think that a paradigm shift in marketing would mean things like the Internet, smart phones, blogging and social media.
And if these changes, these new tools help us grow our business, that's fine, but it's no big deal. There will always be new tools that change the way the game is played.
"The more things change, the more they remain the same."
But transformation happens in the mind and in the heart.
That's the paradigm shift that really counts. And if you don't have a paradigm shift or transformation in your marketing, you'll be caught in the same old struggles as before. Your business will be stagnant and your efforts will yield meager results.
What would this transformation look like?
Something I used to say at the beginning of talks was, "Does anybody here wake up in the morning, excited and enthusiastic about connecting with total strangers about what you have to offer in your business?"
I didn't get a lot of hands!
But THAT is what transformation would look like.
You'd have no fear, you'd be excited about getting the word out. You'd find the time and you'd take the risks. You wouldn't be obsessively concerned about being rejected or making mistakes; you'd be fascinated about how to communicate your value in ways that got your prospects' attention.
This would be a paradigm shift from "dreaded activity" to "exciting adventure." It would feel like a fun and challenging game, not a distasteful chore.
And with that transformed mindset, you'd find all kinds of ways to do things differently. You'd embrace change, adopt technology, and apply new strategies and techniques. And your marketing would take off in unexpected, exciting directions.
You'd actually apply all those marketing techniques and strategies I've been talking about for the past 25 years! There's nothing really hard about these techniques and strategies. But your mindsets MAKE them hard.
It's not just one mindset you want to transform. In working with clients over the past few years I've identified these FIVE that give us the most trouble:
Fear - perfectionism - scarcity - overwhelm - impatience
And they manifest in these ways and more:
Fear - "I'll be rejected, I'll do it wrong, I'll be ridiculed."
Perfectionism - "I can't start until I know exactly what to do."
Scarcity - "I don't have enough time or money or skills or..."
Overwhelm - "There's so much to do, I don't know where to start."
Impatience - "I want it now, and I want things to be different."
Transforming these isn't that hard. In fact, like everything else, it's easy if you know how. What would your business, your marketing, your life be like on the other side of these five mindsets?
On Thursday the 21st, I'm doing two teleclasses on this topic. But I'm not going to give you the link; they're already filled to capacity. But on Saturday, I'll give you the link to the recording.
The More Clients Bottom Line: If you want change in your marketing (i.e., faster and easier ways to attract more business) the first place to look is transforming the mindsets that are holding you back from implementing these changes. Transformation makes change easy. And transformation is easier than you might imagine.
What's the mindset you'd need to transform to take your marketing to a whole new level? Please share on the More Clients Blog. Just click on the Comments link below:
Thank you for this post, Robert.
Years ago, I was able to market a business I developed without much at all holding me back.
I got in touch with that place in me this week, when I had to call to compare radiology costs, now that my health insurance changed, and I have a huge deductible. I was able to find a business that saved me hundreds of dollars. I wasn't marketing myself, but I was able to persist, insist, communicate well, so that I found what I really needed, and it felt very similar to my marketing experience in the past.
I appreciate this post, and will really honor what you have said about mindset. There is a great deal of wisdom in your words.
I think that I have a fear of being rejected, making a mistake. I have let mistakes stop me in the past.
I think that I can be a powerful marketer. I just need to change my mindset, and get out of my own way, and not be afraid to "make mistakes". To learn from them and keep going. Not let that stop me.
Posted by: Nancy Francisco | August 21, 2009 at 11:19 AM
I think the most important thing that holds people back is Fear - "I'll be rejected, I'll do it wrong, I'll be ridiculed."
I used to suffer from that. Now, however, I have persuaded myself that I DO have something valuable to share, I DO have the right to present my views, and NEVER MIND if someone ridicules me for it.
I don't say anything I can't stand for 100 per cent. So what is there to be afraid of?
Besides, if someone chides you for what you say -- hey, that's the beginning of a conversation! You can defend your point, and if you're good at selling, turn the tables in your favor. And it's always possible to change your views or opinion if proven wrong.
Posted by: Kimmo Linkama | August 20, 2009 at 12:42 PM
Fantastic post, Robert! You hit the nail on the head - transformation happens in your mind and heart, and then everything around you changes.
When coaching clients tell me they can't move forward in their lives or business because 1) they can't afford something 2) they don't have time 3) they don't have the technology or know-how 4) etc etc! and they try to use those excuses repeatedly, I know that the real problem is mindset. When we shift that, the excuses vanish.
When there is a lack of alignment under the surface "change" looks like tearing the apples off the tree and stapling on oranges. (It doesn't last very long.) Transformation looks like planting a new tree.
Posted by: Kate Phillips | August 18, 2009 at 12:05 PM
Nice article. As usual you have some good stuff to say.
But for the love of God, please please please stop using the phrase "paradigm shift". It's weak, meaningless, consultant-speak and there are better ways to get your point across than with wishy-washy cliches. It also ranks near the top of many people's lists of disliked business terms... including mine, in case you couldn't tell! :)
Sorry to rant, but the phrase has popped up a few times in your ezine over the summer and it's like fingernails on a chalk board for me!
Posted by: Andrew Pritchard | August 18, 2009 at 06:46 AM
Great post! Fear - perfectionism - scarcity - overwhelm - impatience... the very same midsets I see in clients who want to pursue organizing their lives. I always say, "You've got to start somewhere." Just like marketing; even if you don't feel like it, you've got to start somewhere to get the momentum going.
I will think of your encouraging words as I work on moving my marketing efforts from "dreaded activity" to "exciting adventure" every day.
Posted by: Marcie Lovett | August 17, 2009 at 02:38 PM
you know, finally I am in the state where I have something that is transformation. It helps define what is a message about what you do as opposed to what is a message about what the client gets. It defines those experiences. We think it is very powerful stuff. I think that is key, does what you do really totally pivot them or is it marginally interesting advice?
Posted by: Michael North | August 17, 2009 at 02:31 PM