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August 03, 2009


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Monica Gfrorer

This is so interesting. It is right on track for all of us who struggle with the discomfort of marketing our valuable services. I just heard of another book along the same lines called The Diamond Cutter. It is also about a Zen master who is told to move to NYC and become a businessman. He must apply his principles from the monastary to succeed in business. I wonder if it about the same guy. Regardless, I definitely plan to find both books.

Genevieve Taylor

Really nice extension of his ideas; I appreciated you actually "speaking" from Big Mind, as opposed to just telling us about it. Great way of teaching, and you make some key points. Your answer to the question about marketing being self-serving is, well, on the money... I do training about communications, and get asked a lot, "If I am adjusting my style to match the person, aren't I manipulating them (being self-serving.)

So, what would Big Mind Communicator say?
:-) Probably - Meeting people where they are at, in the style they are accustomed to, is an enormous gift to them and to you, as you increase your flexibility and capacity for "stepping into another's shoes."

I wax on - but thanks for a great article!

Jeff Meyer

While Bob's got valid information on the history and I can understand his skepticism, I think it's easy to overlook the synergy factor.

We often ignore the interconnectedness of things and compartmentalize things which could often be far more effective if we adopted a more interdisciplinary approach. The phrase "the whole is greater than the sum of the parts" comes to mind.

Most of the psychological processes also tend to focus on the past and healing wounds, and not so much on raising consciousness and accessing potentials, so applying the techniques toward a different outcome or in a different way can certainly have some surprising effects at times.

While there may be "nothing new under the sun," there certainly are plenty of things that we've just never noticed, paid attention to, considered important or thought about.

Bob Spatz

I agree with Gary regarding the connection to Voice Dialogue. Since I haven't read the new book it's hard to see what it adds or how it improves the VD work, which was influenced by a process called The Empty Chair created by Fritz Perls and Gestalt Therapy.I'm certainly skeptical that a psychological process is the biggest Zen innovation in 2500 years.

Gary Jesch

Hi Robert,
Good call on Big Mind - You gave me some good things to think about. I had come across Genpo Roshi earlier this year and do his Big Mind meditation, which is really great. I had not thought to put the names you choose to those voices. It will be interesting to see how it works.

Also of value is reading Hal & Sidra Stone's Voice Dialogue work, where Roshi found a portion of his technique.

My thought is that we can always find a perspective that is from a higher potential of ourselves, as long as we are willing to keep looking. Life is about that process of looking (observing) and actively operating in the present moment, with a big mind and a big heart.

And the more we seek, the harder it is to find. We just have to know inside, that it is.

Thanks again,
Gary Jesch

Online Sales Manager

Thanks for the great summary Robert. Like the "virtuous circle" concept hadn't come across that one before. Will take your recommendation and go out and buy the book - a book by a Zen master will be a refreshing change from all the Internet Marketing material that I am presently feeding my brain on.

Kimmo Linkama

You're dead right here, again. It took me a long time to realize it, but my work CAN make a difference for the client, and I AM entitled to talk about it.

The whole point, however, as is now becoming evident to an ever larger circle of people due to the rise of social media, is GIVING, providing a genuine contribution that grows out of a willingness to look at things from the target audience's viewpoint.

This is something many organizations still need to learn. There is way too much "we" oriented marketing content out there. A simple first step is to change all "we's" into "you's" and modify the content accordingly. Talk about results for the client, not the features or processes of your own product or service.

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