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March 16, 2009


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Shel Horowitz

Good one, Robert. This has a lot to do with why I've chosen NOT to automatically follow back everyone who follows me on Twitter. I follow those who add value. If they would clutter up my feed with noise, or even if they add plenty of value in their niche but it's not a niche I want to pay attention to, I don't follow back.

Unfortunately, following manually is slow and time-consuming even using third-party tools, and I'm hundreds behind. But it means I'm not wading through a lot of crap on my feed--especially on the TweetDeck column I keep for those I really want to follow.

Thanks again,
Shel Horowitz

Kathi Miller, Clutter Coach

Thanks for the insights in your recent newsletter about nutritious or junk information.

I am self-employed as a "clutter coach." In my public speaking and client appointments, I talk about how we need to get better at choosing. An older woman approached me after a speech and said that when she goes to the grocery store, there's an entire aisle of cereal and she's overwhelmed. There is just more of everything than ever before. You can't watch all the movies there are to watch, or read all the magazines, or taste all the wine (although I am trying!). We have to acquire and practice the skill of constantly choosing what is the best use of our resources of time, energy, and money.

Thornton Prayer

I just simply scan everything at first and then dump the junk as fast as possible. When I get the chance, I then read the nutritious information because it's so helpful.

Lisa Claudia Briggs, LICSW

I love food analogies! And I agree in theory and practice- about a month ago I unsubscribed from all but 3 marketing newsletters. I found the more info I received, the more anxious and overwhelmed I felt, and the more my ability to stay the course was disrupted.

I believe we are all overstimulated by information and too much access to everything including each other at the speed of light. We need time to be- in our senses, in real-time with our families and friends, to stop over-consuming information that tends to not be all that satisfying or useful.

Just as I tell my clients not to eat junk, but to stick with whole foods, and to avoid extremes of binges or starving, the same can be applied as in your analogy, to our consumption of information. Choose carefully and trust your guidance to help you find the balance that's right for you.

Peace and blessings-


I have been unsubscribing from eLetters unless they provide value to me. Like Seth Godin says, I want "me mail," not email. If I unsubscribe from an eLetter that a colleague creates, I'm asking them to connect to me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook instead.

Judy Murdoch | Highly Contagious Marketing

Can't nutritious information be easy to read and digest? I mean, yeah, it's easy to read People magazine in 30 minutes. What if nutritious, substantive information were as easy as ready People?

Hard to Read and Understand does not equal "good for you"

My goal is to one day write marketing books for business owners that are as fun and compelling to read as comic books.

I'm getting there slowly.

Melanie Yost

Love your article! I had some guilt about not chasing every ounce of information offered to me because, quite frankly, I'm tired. I have gotten pickier about what I read and where I get my information. We have to take responsibility for what we put into our minds.

Graham Ross

Great post.Information overload is a problem for most of us.

One idea that may also be useful is to apply the 3S to all of your information.

3S- Sort,Straighten and Sustain

Step 1 - Sort - Review all of the information you receive and "red tag" information that you don't actually need. A good criteria is that if you haven't used something within the month then get rid of it."If in doubt throw it out"

Step 2 - Sort - Put the remaining information that you do recieve into some sort of order and frequency of consumption.Try and relate each piece of information to your overall goals.If it doesn't fit with your goals, bin it.Create a master list of your information and for each major component write down the 5Ws and 1H - who,what,when,why and how

Step 3 - Revisit your master list once a month and "red tag" any items that no longer help you.

Cat Matson

I so agree Robert.... and I really like your analogy of information being similar to food.

I have been guilty of over-indulging in information... one of my recent 'tips' has been to set up my iGoogle page with the blogs I like to read.... so rather than receiving thousands of emails a day that I have to plough through for fear of missing out, I can quickly scan 1 page of those blogs that I consider highly nutritous and decide which (if any) posts to read.

In terms of making sure my Twittering activity is nutritous.... a Tweetdeck column call 'Active' Network that I monitor regularly... and an 'All Friends' column to stay abreast of 'general' stuff.

One final thought - follow only the people who you really resonate with (blogs, Twitter, news).... they will link you in with anybody/anything else you need. Trust your spheres of influence to 'be' that sphere for you.

Keep sending me your nutritous information Robert.... it's as good if not better than a healthy meal.




Couldn't agree more. That is why I believe the time is right to grow members-only sites.
(I am doing so based on this platform - highly recommended.)
I am promising to make things easy, accessible convenient - AND to filter out all the rubbish.
Google made a business out of finding everything - I want to make sense of it.

PS _ Robert you are not Twittering much?

michael cardus

nice post.
This idea of junk information has been a crushing feeling.
As we become greater "plugged in" we find ourselves tuned-out more.

it seems that the more information you gather the deeper you become in the vortex of the information loop.

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