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January 05, 2009


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Cynthia Hallanger

This subtle, but significant, shift in perspective and direction is really exciting. I get it! And more importantly, I understand how prospects will get it, too.

The contribution piece really is what drives our passion and keeps us out there in the game.

Thanks so much for everything you do, from your heart, for all of us.

Happy New Year!

Cynthia Hallanger

Pamela Slim

I like the new direction Robert!

One of the things I have liked best about you over the years is that I see you care the most about contribution, not just making money.

So this fits who you really are, and what you have been doing with Action Plan for the last quarter century.

And at the same time it will bring you more of your ideal clients. Nice!

Happy New Year to you and your family. I am very happy to have your wisdom piping in every week to help my business, and contribution, grow.


Craig jennings

I've created a weekly mailer of inspirational sayings - lots of nice feedback.

but I'm a business coach, and nothing happens until I have a business relationship.

I need to generate business case histories, either as a newsletter or blog or both.

Craig Jennings

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