On today, the Inauguration Day of our new president, I wanted to share an essay that I just read in a book titled, "Timeless Wisdom" written almost 100 years ago by Dr. Frank Crane.
As Obama says, "Yes, We Can! I felt somehow that this essay captured the spirit of this historic moment better than I ever could.
It is the commonest things in the world that most need definition.
There are certain vital subjects the mind handles every day, indeed must handle because they are as essential to thought as bread and water to the body. And by much handling, these subjects become smooth as old coins. Once in awhile it is well to examine them minutely to see what "image and superscription" is thereon.
Nothing is more constantly spoken of than happiness. It is the end of religion, the object of philosophy, the dream of the wretched, the quest of the whole world.
Suppose we ask ourselves that? And suppose we patiently and honestly try to find an answer? If we discover what happiness is, or at least what it means to us, we have gone a long way toward grasping happiness, the thing itself.
And just to stimulate your inquiry, allow me to hand to you a definition I read the other day, I know not where. It is this:
"Happiness is great love and much service."
If you will look about carefully among the people you know, not neglecting yourself, you will discover that not one of them is happy that does not love. Furthermore that all of them are happy in proportion as they love.
Happiness is the perfume of the rose of love, the light shining from the candle of love, the sound from the bells of love.
You can get a certain something that resembles happiness from the gratification of desire, from eating, drinking, playing, and the like. But it all has in itself the seed of boredom. You get SATED from satisfying your appetite; but in the happiness that comes from love is no satiety.
What is true of love is equally true of service; because to love is to serve. Search again among the people you know, and note that they are happy in proportion as they serve.
The great mass of men and women are reasonably content because they are at work. They often complain of their work. They even call labor a curse. But they would be miserable without it.
They dream of a life of idleness and self-indulgence, and many imagine that is heaven. It is not. It is hell.
The world was made for lovers and servants.
If anyone's heart is full of love, and his hand is full of service, he has no morbid "problems." He has solved the riddle of life.
You can find this essay and 164 more in "Timeless Wisdom" by Dr. Frank Crane. Complied in 2007 by K.R. Talbot. Available on Amazon.com.
The More Clients Bottom Line: We are entering into one of the most unique, exciting and perhaps dangerous times in our history. If there was ever a time for love and service, this is it!
Please feel free to add your comments about love and service to the More Clients Blog.
I really connect with the medatative focus to your marketing message today. I started my business to empower individuals to release sabotage patterns and emotional distress that hold them back from being more successful in their careers. I love being able to serve others authentically as their results feed my own job satisfaction. Thank you for speaking to my joy (and not a sense of pain!)
Posted by: Sejual | January 21, 2009 at 09:27 AM
I don't know if he originated the statement:"Service is the only rent we pay for the space we occupy on Earth" but, it is something i heard the late Cavet Robert say on many occasions. For those of you that don't know of Cavet. He was the founder of the National Speakers Association. And the first great motivation speaker and coach.
Posted by: Jack Morgan | January 20, 2009 at 12:01 PM
What a beautiful piece of writing - thank you for sharing it.
Posted by: Vanessa Deakin | January 20, 2009 at 10:32 AM
Thank you for always being uplifting and to the point! I too believe that one cannot be happy unless they are of service in this world. I believe that no matter who is in office they can only do so much. We as a nation must each individually step up to the plate. We all must become more. We must Be More to Have More. I believe that our Creator put us here to live a life of LOVE, JOY and Service! I urge everyone to take action in their life. Do those radom acts of kindness. Think of how you can serve other better in your job or business. Go the extra mile for people. This will all have a rippling effect that can't help but make our world a better place. Stop thinking about being a victim and step out in your own power, YOU ARE THE CHANGE THE WORLD NEEDS!
I appreciate you!
Posted by: Carol A. Briney | January 20, 2009 at 05:21 AM
A definition of love coming from Kadampa Buddhist wisdom is:
'Wishing another to be happy', seeing how they are kind, precious and full of limitless potential.
Posted by: Barry Walsh | January 20, 2009 at 02:14 AM
Hello Robert,
I know the reason you are successful. It is because you love what you do, you love what you give, you love the ones that you are giving. No wonder how at ease and how natural you are when giving.
I can hear your love for human beings in your voice, when you talk to us, your clients or your prospects and I can see your love in the value you give us without conditioning your act of giving.
How can other people can benefit of the image I just pictured -- as a reflection of what I experience reading your article --, is turning on the attention on themselves.
That is the first point people can start giving love. When you are saturated, because you have solved all your matters, you can start giving your love to your outer world.
To read more about love, the love that we give to ourselves and after that we give it further as a contribution, check my blog http://inspiredachievement.ro/blog/
With love for Human Beings,
Ioan Nicut
Posted by: Ioan Nicut | January 20, 2009 at 02:02 AM
Byron Katie says: "What is happiness but a state of no wanting?"
Posted by: Fabrice Nye | January 19, 2009 at 02:14 PM