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January 26, 2009


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Ioan Nicut

Hello dear Friend,

I am not a native English speaking person and I write in English. I am from Romania.

The subjects of my writing are the things I experience in my own self development. Whenever I have an insight, I put it on paper and I listen to my Heart...

Sometimes I listen Jazz Music while I am writing (Robert smiles at this... :) and the states music create with me turn into a "story" that flows to you, the reader.

I wish you success with your writing,


ps. Sometimes smiling, helps the process of writing (and living :)

Sandra Reimer

If you're nervous about your writing ability and how professional your skills are in this area you can always hire an editor to polish your material.

I am a writer and I use an editor for proofreading and when I need help structuring a piece that is not working. As I work with an editor, I learn new skills and overcome the common flaws in my writing.

I highly recommend using an editor--especially if writing does not come naturally to you. It can substantially increase your confidence in your work.

Some great editors can be found through the Editors Association of Canada at

Sandra Reimer
Reimer Reason Communications

Cecelia Munzenmaier

Another strategy is to separate writing and editing. When writing, your goal is to capture the ideas you're developing.

Larry Gelbart, one of the writers on M*A*S*H, advises, "You have to put down less-than-marvelous material just to keep going, whatever you think the end is going to be, which may be something else altogether by the time you get there."

Once ideas are captured, you can switch from the free-flowing creative mindset to nit-picky editor mode and refine the spelling, punctuation, and wording.

Cecelia Munzenmaier

Andrea Dale

Practices I use for easy writing:

1) Work on a specific project for only 20-30 minutes a day. Leave a note in the file for when you come back to it, so that you can easily dive right in.
2) Don't be afraid to use skills from other types of writing. For example, I am also a songwriter, and I bring many of those skills into my marketing writing. If you write poems, descriptive blog posts, etc. many of those skills/ways of writing are quite useful.
3) For longer articles, consider creating and using a *basic* outline. It frees you to write, versus remember what's coming next. And you can always change the outline, it's a guide, nothing more.

Grace Chatting

Thank you for another great article. I found it very affirming and encouraging. I am coming to the end of writing my book, "Ten Steps to Save Your Relationship". I wanted to translate the process I use when working with couples into a format they could pick up, read quickly and understand easily. I found that chunking down into 3 stages and 10 steps gave me a framework to arrange my material. I believe it also makes the content easier for the reader to grasp and to remember, and therefore to apply in day to day life.

Chuck Jeffery

"Most of us learned to write in school, college or university."

Really? A lot of us never learned to write. But your line made me chuckle...As a business major in college around 1492; I received solid marks on term papers from business professors. But, was not convinced that my writing skills were all that great...After that point in time I needed a few liberal arts credits to graduate.

The first paper graded by the English literature professor was returned with ample red ink...Seems there was almost nothing right about my work...The professor asserted that there was a problem with the style. I'm grinning!

As you point-out, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Thanks for the encouragement.

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