We all need a business plan, right? Well yes, but we need a lifestyle plan even more.
Simply put, a business plan outlines our business goals, our strategy to reach those goals and the tactics we need to implement those strategies.
It also includes a marketing and financial plan and plans for other parts of the business. For Independent Professionals, about 80% of the business plan is the marketing plan. Who are your ideal clients, what is the service you are selling, what is your brand or identity, and what are all the ways you're going to get the word out?
Finally, you need step-by-step action plans to implement each of your marketing goals.
But don't stop there. Create a lifestyle plan as well. After all, you have a business to support your lifestyle, don't you? If you are only immersed in your business, as so many Independent Professionals are, you often leave out your life entirely. No wonder you're stressed and your relationships are suffering.
A Lifestyle Plan starts with headings for all the important areas of your life: Health and Well-Being, Relationships, Finances, Home and Possessions, Leisure and Recreation, Family and Friends, Educational and Spiritual, etc.
And then under each of these headings list four to six things you want to have in those areas this year. For some you may already be there. For instance, under health and well-being, I'm already exercising six times a week. But I was going to bed too late and not getting enough sleep. Also, I was was getting one massage a month. I went to two a month. Leisure time? Too much TV. So I took a big step and virtually eliminated it.
Take as much, if not more time building your Lifestyle Plan as you do building your business and marketing plans. If you do, you'll have some balance and actually enjoy all that money you'll be making!
We spend so much time focused on the business and forget about the greatest asset and that is you. Making sure that you are balanced in all areas of your life is paramount. Formulating strategies that will continue to expand your foundation and lead you toward the next step.
Posted by: Nathalie | February 12, 2009 at 11:38 AM