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December 15, 2008


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Monica Carter Tagore

You make an excellent point about fear, and that is that fear does not have to take over our lives. Of course it can be a natural response to changing circumstances or things we can't control, but when we focus on those things we can change and can control, we get a whole new sense of excitement and empowerment.

As a personal development author, I help people see beyond circumstances they consider dismal to see how those circumstances can be changed for the better -- based on their actions. We have a lot of say in our lives. And when we choose to exercise that say, we can make some really good changes that will serve us -- and our families and communities -- well.

Carol L. Skolnick, Clear Life Solutions

The Work of Byron Katie is the most effective way I know to address thoughts that, believed, lead to stress, suffering, and self-limitation. (That's why I became a facilitator of The Work; it changed my life!) As Robert has indicated here, once you meet your thoughts with understanding, there's no worry, and therefore much more "head room" for all the good stuff, including creative marketing solutions.

I've watched my portfolio go down along with everyone else's, and there are two ways to do that: one while holding a scary story of a non-existent future, one while realizing that you are okay right now and that there's plenty you can do. Not surprisingly, I've seen a surge of business recently; I attribute that to going forth as I always have, not believing that there wouldn't be clients or opportunities.

I invite you to empower yourself with this radically effective and easy-to-learn transformative process of inquiry.

Judy Murdoch


What's funny is I haven't been feeling any fear about the economy. I'm just shy of 50 and I've been through an awful lot of booms and busts. They come and go.

So I haven't been filled with fear and anxiety over the latest developments. I was actually thinking "maybe I'm nuts to be so mellow?" Thanks for reminding me that I'm least when it comes to the economy.


Deb McClanahan

Hi Robert,
Great article to remind us (again) to get out of our own way! As a recruiter who had 4 searches frozen last month, I have been getting in my own way. This is a perfect time to do some new client development for non-recruiting HR/OD consulting and to get back in balance in my business. And the best part is, there is no risk to me in doing this.

Sejual Shah

I couldn't agree more with this post. We don't have to get dragged down by others' negativity - focussing on our own positive worth can help us move forward and set a good example. A tool that is great for lastingly releasing fears very quickly and easily is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or tapping.

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