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August 25, 2008


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Barbara Saunders

Funny you should ask today! I have spent the morning re-reading the InfoGuru Marketing Manual chapter on Web design. I am becoming more and more fascinated by Web 2.0 as a productivity tool and have been toying with ideas about how to use the tools on my own site as demonstration of what I offer to clients. The puzzle is where to maintain consistency with html pages and where to link to my Wiki and blog.


As a graphic designer, what I offer for free has a much wider audience than a niche type of article or product. I believe that producing give-a-ways is great for business, they need not only to be quality, but produced with the mindset that they will actually be helpful to the person downloading, not that "oh if I give this away i will make money" or that I will get something from it.
Annnyway, great post, thought provoking!

Dane Sanders

Fantastic resource. What a great blog.

Debbie Jordan Kravitz (Virtually Organized)

I've been doing this for a while. Instead of a free article, I've been giving away a free e-book, "The Bookshelf Blog," which is actually a compilation and expanded version of my old blog posts. It's been pretty successful. I was afraid people might unsubscribe after they gained access to the download, but so far that hasn't happened. It's really helped me grow my contact list.

Jason Hulott

I have been using article marketing for years but it never occurred to me to use one in this way. Thanks for sharing.

What a fantastic idea!

I think I need to build a range of articles that can't be found anywhere else, but used just for sharing in this way.


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