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May 26, 2008


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Eileen Elliston

Thank you for that wake up call- I have been in a passive mind set for about 6 months. I go through these cycles of passive/proactive mindsets.
Today I am working on new proactive strategies to market my business.
Thanks for always sending acticles that encourage me stretch.

Shama Hyder

Way to be proactive with your website and eZine Robert. ; )

-Shama Hyder

Sheryl Schuff, CPA

What you said about passive marketing used to describe me almost perfectly. About six months ago I started reading your newsletter and some from other folks who share your views.

Now most of my marketing activities fall in the active category.

To promote my training courses which teach small business owners how to lower their taxes, I have a couple of free reports and I publish a weekly ezine.

And I recently started a blog.

The results I'm seeing prove that what you're saying is absolutely correct.

Thanks for the encouragement.

Kim Duke

With my sales training business, The Sales Divas, I've always lived by the words of Mae West:

" It's better to be looked over than over-looked!"

You're so right - being pro-active in marketing actually reduces you're driving the bus of your business.

Recently, I jumped into podcasting with itunes and the results have been amazing. Definitely one of the rules of proactive marketing is being willing to try something NEW - even if you're not good at it yet.

Kim Duke, The Sales Divas

Phillip Sheahan

I was intrigued to read your piece on passive and proactive marketing. Success in the later is rooted in making it a habit to think about 'failure' as a virtue. If you're speaking to a hundred people at a presentation and only five want to know more about your business that's a 100% success rate ... not a 95% failure.

Tohami, "The Success Pharaoh"


I was holding myself back from delivering teleseminars, because english is not my native language.

Now, I've decided to put this marketing strategy into action, because I believe it is one of the best ways to build powerful bond between me and my subscribers.

Tohami,"The Success Pharaoh"

Warner Carter

I find getting out on Facebook, Twitter, Mixx and others the basis of my proactive marketing

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