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December 17, 2007


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Martin Buckland

I have developed and executed a communications plan which encompasses most if not all of the suggestions. It works!


I think the most important thing is to try new things, have fun break from your plan sometimes and just go with the flow, keep taking action, and use blogging/ networking and so on in whatever way you can. I often use the blog for credibility and my networking to find me 1:1 clients.

I have also started some joint ventures with another business owner I met through networking events, and she has referred me several clients, as I have to her.

You never know where contacts will lead or where referrals will come from!

Claire Westwood, Cheltenham UK

John Maver


Your tips are wonderful.

As an addition to your list I would add the need for feedback. Ask for it and enjoy it. It can generate new ideas and more.

Check out my post on "How's that working for you?" It is more than just a question from Dr Phil.

I just published a set of CEO tips that you might find interesting. All are appropriate for executives and there are several that are strickly marketing.

Here is the link.


John maver

Shama Hyder

Fantastic list Robert!

My own personal addition would be-

Work on Building your Brand. It really pays off in the long run.

Email Marketing company

Hello Everybody,
One has to Develop an Integrated Marketing Communications Plan that incorporates and integrates key strategies for advertising, marketing and public relations. Inorder to improve the sales of the product.

Andrea Nierenberg

Hi Robert
Thank you so much!! I must tell you--YOU are my marketing hero--there is no one better then you.
I'm honored to know you!

Your year end marketing insights are terrific. Thank you for including me.

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