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November 19, 2007


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Kind ragards

Barry Harrison

You've really hit the nail on the head with this one. I have wasted a huge amount of time going after the wrong prospects and getting discouraged when they eventually drift away without ever saying "yes" or "no."

I can hardly wait till next week to learn how to read these "prospect qualification badges." Thanks Robert!

Shama Hyder


I think there are two ways to prevent the "bad client" problem.

1- Have a detailed demographic. Who? What? When? Where? How? Know your ideal client inside and out. And then, refuse to work with anyone but your ideal clients.

2- Listen to your intuition. I am not into the woo-woo stuff, but I do believe that we have to listen to our inner voice. I often get a feeling when I think a client isn't right for me. And it has been spot on every single time!

John Maver


This is right on.

It fits with an article I published on my blog entitled Leadership responsiveness. Check it out.

Some folks just don't want to progress and you are absolutley right that they waste your time.


John Maver
Maver Management Group

Alecia Huck


As always, nice work. After spending hours with people who were NEVER going to pay me anything I finally wised up and created a detailed client profile. If the FBI uses them to help find criminals, why shouldn't I use them to help find clients? Beyond demographics, I also looked at psychographics--the personality characteristics of my ideal clients. While I could say a lot about how I created my profile, the basic point is I spent time looking at my best clients and what made them different. I started paying attention to the little things that told me someone would or would NOT become a client and then I wrote them down. Now I feel very confident about who I'm spending time with and why. I'm serving the people who I should be working with and saving myself the headaches and heartaches of old and outdated sales methods.
I've learned a ton from you and often recommend your site. THANKS!


I have definately been through times of spending too much time with certain prospects. And, I have also been guilty of doing the opposite: not recognizing signs of those who truly do want to buy from me. I have learned that there is not any one type of person who will or who will not buy with one exception: Those who do buy all have in common that they are all focused at on self growth and awareness and they "get it" about my work rapidly. I have also learned that those who "get it" are all different demeanors and types of people, as well. The enthusiastic ones don't necessarily turn to clients, and visa versa. Also, the timing is right for them in their lives as well. Thank you.

Mark Smith

Oh wow. Yes I would say that I've encountered these prospects. We've got a saying here in Texas - "big hat, no cattle". It does a good job of describing those prospects that seem like that would be great but turn out to have little, if any, influence to actually get a P.O. signed. They are so darn tempting to pursue because of the "you-never-know" syndrome.

Now looking for those badges you talked about.

Kare Anderson

I've fallen victim to two of the kinds of "hot" prospects you described, so your post provides a valuable reminder to not make that mistake again.

Also kudos on the elegant re-design.

And, finally, thanks for the idea-packed interview on ways to forge profitable partnerships

Jenny Mallos

Hi Robert

Man, can I relate to your newsletter this week! I've gone down that path many times and fortunately most of the time, I haven't secured the client. I say 'fortunately' because had they become clients I would have paid dearly in drained energy. One time a client did sign up which felt all wrong, but in my eagerness to 'get a client and some income' I ignored my gut feeling. It all started innocently enough: a referral from a business associate. The intial interview went well but then the warning bells started going in my head which I chose to ignore. Firstly, she wanted to check with her business partner (who she called 'her sister') who said that 'yes, she needed a coach' and secondly, her sister/business partner was going to pay for the coaching. The third warning was that she felt overwhelmingly obligated to her mother whose health was failing. She became a client, yet less than a month later she cancelled the contract. I was not surprised but actually I was relieved, and I learned a valuable lesson: If your client isn't paying, they are not committed. If they are doing it because someone else thinks they need it, it won't work either.

Ironically, the people with the most problems and who seem to need your services the most are the least likely to hire you and if they do, they do next to nothing to change their circumstances. That's why they have problems. I used to shake my head in disbelief in these situations but now I realise that not everyone is ready to change right now - and that's fine by me.

Thanks for the great info Robert.

(Jenny) Dimitra

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