As you're reading this, I'm starting the final day of my Action Plan Marketing Certification Workshop - the second stage of an intensive one-year program.
I'm training twelve coaches and consultants and "passing on the baton" of working with Independent Professionals to help them attract more clients through more effective marketing.
Today's More Clients focus is the new directions I'll be taking Action Plan Marketing in the coming years.
First, my main focus will now be working on the Certification Program. I'll be putting the majority of time time, effort and passion into enrolling people into this program, training them in my marketing methodology, and supporting them in being successful.
Second, I will discontinue all client programs. I haven't done individual coaching or consulting for several years, but I'll also be discontinuing the Marketing Action Groups and the Fast Track Programs. It's been fun doing them, but it's time to move on.
The Fast Track Program which starts on May 16 will be my last one (hint-hint - this is your last chance). This program, the Marketing Action Groups and also individual coaching will be made available soon through my Certified Coaches.
Third, I will continue to write the weekly More Clients eZine and will do occasional teleclass programs and add new online programs. I may even do a workshop or two - mostly to develop new material. This will only be in the SF Bay Area.
(By the way, I'm doing a half-day Fast Track Workshop in Marin County north of San Francisco on May 25 for the Institute of Management Consultants. You can reserve a space at: It's only $45 if you register by May 1.)
Fourth, I'm going to get serious about writing my book, tentatively titled "Marketing Ball." I have most of the material together; it's just a matter of organizing and editing.
I want to thank you for your participation with Action Plan over the years. It's been an amazing journey. I've worked with hundreds of clients individually, thousands in teleclass programs and have reached hundreds of thousands through the eZine.
Please keep reading the eZine and pass it on to other Independent professionals who are struggling to attract clients. And please take advantage of all my programs online such as the InfoGuru Manual and Web Site ToolKit if you haven't already.
Finally, I invite you to take your business to the next level by being certified as an Action Plan Marketing Coach. I promise you that it will be the most rewarding (and fun) experience you ever have in your business.
The more clients bottom line: It's time to move in a new direction and take Action Plan Marketing to a whole new level. This is the most exciting time of my over 22 years in business. I hope you will join me in the next chapter.
Have you gotten value from Action Plan Marketing over the years? I'd love to hear some of your results! Please share on the More Clients Blog.
i must admit i was sad to hear you've expanded your focus. i have loved EVERY product i've ever used of yours, all my classes and our online relationship as professionals.
i have the utmost respect for you, you're totally a hoot, and i wish you much luck with your marketing certification program. it sounds really interesting but my i'm committed of making a go of my work as a life coach.
it's funny because in the process of working with your material, i've really developed a love for marketing. who would have thunk it. . . . ?
sign me up as first on your list for your book - i can safely say i'd pre-order it even though you haven't written it.
With deep gratitude--
a raving fan who wishes you the best in everything always.
Posted by: char brooks | April 17, 2007 at 07:43 AM