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March 26, 2007


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Great info, thanks a lot!!! I wish I will have such a writing skills.

Hendry Lee - Small Business Blogging

Another marketing lesson I think the invisible bird has to teach us is the fact that it is ok to toot your own horn, although perhaps I don't want to be "noisy."

I look forward for your ezine next Tuesday.


Mark Silver

Hey Robert- have a great vacation- I look forward to seeing highlights.



Ahhhh vacations! I love the beach and we often go to Byron Bay. Living in Australia is fantastic as everyone has 4 weeks annual leave plus plenty of public holidays. The Aussies know about cool lifestyles!

Apart from that, any adventure in the bush will do - canoeing, hiking, camping. Gotta be in nature to connect best with the universe!

Law of Attraction Coach

Vickie Turley

Mazatlan sounds wonderful - but I'd be so busy trying to see all the sights, take in all the culture. I'd wear myself out. But that's okay sometimes on a vacation.

I think the best vacation I ever had was a couple of years ago when we went to Florida and did absolutely nothing! I read a couple of books, I laid on the beach, my husband wandered through golf shops, we ate when we wanted, we napped. I am such a planner that it was difficult for me to just go and be spontaneous. But it was a wonderful time! I loved it and came back so relaxed and refreshed.

Can't wait to hear how yours went.

Vickie Turley
Elite VAs

Lyle Lachmuth - The Unsticking Coach

Mazatlan sounds lovely.... and your condo looks terrific!!

I love camping. Being in the woods and just sitting and chatting. Or, hiking are very 'spiritual' times for me.

The relaxed pace. The time to connect with family. The fresh air. These all restore me.

Be rested, Lyle

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