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March 19, 2007


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Shel Horowitz

Hi, Robert,

For me, the single best way of building not only my newsletters but also my client portfolio has been participation in online discussion groups. This brings me newsletter subscriptions, marketing consulting and copywriting gigs, the attention of experts in my industry (who refer clients and endorse my books), book sales--and a lot of expert advise from other listmates, at no cost except time.

Shel Horowitz - Marketing Strategic Planning, Consulting, and Copywriting
focused on Ethical, Affordable, Effective Approaches
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Craig Valine


We share similiar marketing teachers, such as Tom Antion and Jay Abraham, to name a few. I enjoy your writing and teaching style and borrow a lot of ideas from you. :)

The best way I've gotten subscribers to my ezine is by writing articles and ending with a "blurb" at the end inviting readers to subscribe to my newsletter.

When I started out, my website was called "". I would end my articles like this: "About the Author: Craig Valine is the publisher of the AwfulMarketing Alert Newsletter: 'Where you learn good marketing from those who do it really bad.' To subscribe to his free newsletter, go to ....."

I had great success with this.

I don't have this website anymore, but I'm using the same strategies for my current website and ezien at

Craig Valine


Hi Robert

I have been reading your newsletter for a while now and also have the Action Plan Marketing Manual. I loved it and it has been really valuable.

Two things I have done that have helped boost subscribers are pay for Google Ads - I have been running a little ad now for a month and it has generates consistent, focussed traffic and sign ups.

The other thing I did which creates big results in sign-ups is offer a give-away as part of another person's book promotion - it helps the perceived value of their book, and I tap in to a whole new market. This strategy has dramatically increased sign ups - my list doubled through two of these ventures alone.

Lastly, I use my list for two reasons - to share my throughts and reflections and to connect with my readers. I love building this community!

Virtual Assistant

At my organization, our goal is not to sell anything, but rather to better educate our marketplace. To build our list, we use many, if not all, of the strategies you mention. In addition, we have formed a volunteer "Street Team." These are members who have agreed to diligently get the word out to whatever venues they have been assigned whenever a new issue of our online newsletter is issued or our monthly teleseminars in upcoming.

--Danielle Keister

Lynne Lee

I began building my website on 11th January.
I have optimised my pages, I'm submitting articles to directories and I have an opt in form on my home page with the offer of a valubale freebie.
I'm turning up on the first page of Google. 75% of my traffic comes through the resource box that accompanies my articles. It's very early days, but I'm getting around 25 visits and 2 sign ups a day.
I'm still getting articles out there - you really do get traffic from articles - it's worth the effort.
I'm submitting my own articles at the moment. I'm expecting things to snowball when I get around to using a submission service!
When my first eZine goes out towards the end of the month, I have people lined up who want to read it.
The only thing I haven't tried is speaking -I'm gearing up to that.
Robert, I started of with Action Plan Marketing & bought The Website Toolkit.
This stuff works.
I'm one of those who recommend your products and services. I've learnt lots of really useful stuff. Thanks.


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