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January 22, 2007


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Dating Goddess

Hi Robert:

You may not know my nom de plum, but it is what I am evangelizing right now. You ask what your readers are doing to evangelize their business. I, like you, started a blog as a way to write my next book on a new topic, datng advice for women over 40. Since this is a new area of expertise, I promoted the blog to other bloggers in the datng space, trading links. I also traded links with other thought leaders, not in the dating/relationship space.

I let my colleagues know, and they have recommended me for interviews in the media. So even though the manuscript is still in my agent's hands, I am generating buzz for this new business even before the book is out.

I'm also contacting my pals who have products/services to promote to this market. I've made deals with friends with books, CDs and coaching services so I earn a percentage from each sale that comes through the Dating Goddess site.

(Hint on my identity: You and I share the same initials and live in the same area and I've interviewed you twice in the past.)

Thanks for continuing to provide solid, helpful content for us info-gurus!

Dating Goddess
Adventures in Dating After 40

Nicholas Head

Its not about us.

Nicholas Head

Robert, thanks for your leadership on this issue. I am coaching green as much as I can. What that means is forwarding green business, organizations, change agents, wannabe change agents. In the Organization Development field there are rumblings, and local here in AZ, I have some like minded colleagues interested in "holding the space" for green change agents to come together and capture the synergies. All the best. Nick


Sorry Rob,,

The green gold just wasn't all it was made out to be. I am terribly dissapointed. I have known of better business marketing products. Your green gold just did not cut it. Disappointing is all I can say to capture this product. The green gold turned out to be straw.

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