Here it is, the end of another year.
I hope you've had a good year, created new intentions and possibilities and gone past self-imposed limitations.
If you focused on those two areas, it's likely that you attracted more clients, made more money and had more fun in your business.
Last week I challenged you to look at the big things in marketing that mattered, instead of worrying about the little mistakes. But even more important are these two HUGE THINGS: Intentions and Limitations. Intentions first:
Creating Intentions
Imagine it's twenty or thirty years from now. You're retired and you're reviewing your accomplishments, the mark you've made on the word. Would you be fulfilled and satisfied or would you feel somewhat disappointed with yourself?
Perhaps this doesn't matter to you; I know it doesn't to many people. They are waiting for retirement and the opportunity to finally relax and take it easy. If so, all power to you.
But for me, that's like death. Once Duke Ellington was asked when he was gong to retire. His response was, "Retire to what?" Instead, he kept composing and performing music to the end of his life. Duke, and others like him are my inspiration.
Ellington was always thinking of the next composition. For me, it's the next project, the next product, the next program. That's where life is, where fulfillment resides.
How about you?
What do you intend to create this year? Forget about New Year's resolutions. A waste of time. Think one hundred times bigger: What oceans are you going to cross, what buildings will you erect, whose lives will you change?
This is what I intend for 2007:
1. Complete my book on marketing
2. Initiate Marketing Coaches Certification with 50 people
3. Re-edit/re-launch the InfoGuru Marketing Manual
4. Grow my e-list to 75,000
That should keep me busy! And the only thing that can get in the way is my limited thinking. Anything external is really not an issue. Which brings me to the second HUGE THING:
Going Past Self-Imposed Limitations
Sometime a few months ago I let go of a belief that I'd been holding onto for years: "Nobody else can do what I do as well as I can." I was literally addicted to that one. And if that was true, how could I ever certify anyone to lead my programs? I couldn't.
But without anything really changing except realizing that this belief was utter nonsense, I created my "Marketing Coaches Certification Program" in just a few weeks.
What beliefs are you addicted to that are holding you back from realizing your intentions? As long as you remain attached to them, they will shape your current reality as they always have.
Are they about how much money you can earn?Are they about how successful you can be?
Are they about your capability as a marketer?
Are they about the difference you can ultimately make?
And what if those beliefs weren't really true at all? Take a few minutes to seriously question them:
Are they really true? What's the consequence of thinking them? What if you couldn't think them anymore? What would you do differently? How would your results change?
Kind of boggles the mind if you start to question these insidious self-imposed limited beliefs. But if you do, your intentions just may start to look and feel more real than ever.
The More Clients Bottom Line: What will you make of next year? It will all hinge on the intentions that you create and your ability to question (and go beyond) your self-imposed limitations.
What are your intentions for the year and what limitations are you going to transcend in order to realize them? I invite you to share them on the Blog at the comments link below.
P.S. Happy New Year! The next eZine you'll receive from me will be in 2007. Make the last week of the year count. Create those intentions and examine those limitations!
Thanks Robert, as always, for being on point with the right questions at the right time.
My 2007 intentions are currently a work in progress. Here's what I have so far:
(1) I intend to become an Action Plan Marketing Coach
(2) I intend to write a book and speak about succeeding as an entrepreneur diagnosed with a chronic illness (multiple sclerosis)
(3) I intend to generate $10,000 or more per month through serving my perfect clients with my unique gifts
The limitations I'm going to transcend?
(1) Letting go of past mistakes or failures and treating them as lessons-learned. Accepting that everything has unfolded perfectly to bring me to where I am.
(2) Worrying whether what I have to offer is valuable. It is.
(3) Forgetting that I'm not alone, and thinking that I always have to have all the answers. Remembering and allowing my constant connection to Source and Universal Energy in attracting success and abundance, and overcoming any perceived obstacles.
(4) Losing the thinking that immense success requires extreme struggle. My theme for 2007: Living the Faith of Least Resistance (quote from Wayne Dyer).
I look forward to working with you, Robert, and all the other Action Plan Marketing coach participants in 2007!
Posted by: Chris Vasiliadis | December 29, 2006 at 10:45 AM
I'm sitting on a beach in Jamaica. I'm working on intentions and limitations. I've got the Action Plan Toolkit and a notebook with me. And a Red Stripe beer. By the end of this week, I'll have this done.
Posted by: Andy Strote | December 27, 2006 at 09:55 AM
Ah yes, intentions and possibilities and let's not forget those self-imposed limitations. After reading your article and checking out the clock Double B mentioned in a previously-made comment, right now is the perfect time to consider and get very clear on what I want to happen in this next year.
My intentions for 2007:
1) Write my book
2) Create an e-book & offer it on my site
3) Post on my blog 3-5x per week
4) Grow my ezine list to 25,000
5) Create a line of inspirational products
6) Speak at 50 different events
And what negative nonsense am I ready to let go of?
I'm letting go of the belief that I can't inspire millions of people. I'm letting go of the belief that I can't do what I love and not make a helluva good living doing it. I'm letting go of the belief that what I have to offer people won't want.
I feel pretty damn good already just writing them down. Like Robert suggested, "Make the last week of the year count." Take a good look within and then WRITE THOSE INTENTIONS DOWN.
Posted by: Lisa | December 26, 2006 at 02:46 PM
hello Robert,
Reading your article on intentions and limiting decisions allowed me to just stop and take stock of what I am going to acheive next year. Here is my list"
1) Get 10 organsiations onto my leadership mastery series
2) By the end of 2007 have 100 people sign into my pathways2mastery e-learning course combined with phone coaching
3) purchased a unit that overlooks the water
4) become one of your marketing coaches ( that sounds really inspiring)
5) go on a holiday to New Zealand for 3 weekes
Limiting Decisions - perhaps I could just forget about these right now....... !
Again, thank you Robert and take care
Posted by: lee stemm | December 26, 2006 at 01:53 PM
Robert, thanks for the blog. It really caused me to take stock of my current state and realize that I do have the ability to change it. My 2007 Personal intentions:
(1)Open first retail store - plan second store
(2)Grow e-list to 25,000
(3)Create "Reconcile" Ministry
(4)Launch Clothing Line.
I know this is a marketing site, but I have some non-marketing intentions, I needed to write.
My Professional intentions:
(1) Generate 30-40 Sales ready Leads per month from marketing activities.
(2)Complete Marketing Funnel/Sales Pipeline Integration book
(3)Grow Monthly Revenues to $140,000 from marketing activities
Posted by: Steve Worthy | December 26, 2006 at 11:25 AM
cool clock; shows visually where you are on the timeline and a good reminder that time is passing.
Posted by: DoubleB | December 26, 2006 at 10:04 AM
My personal intentions in 2007 are: Obtain Sponsors and Advertisers for Internet Voices Talk Radio; Sign up additional Talk Show Hosts; Present additional controversial, educational, stretching, and entertaining programs to a worldwide listening audience; and Obtain clients for the many audio and video services offered by my station.
Posted by: Lillian Cauldwell | December 26, 2006 at 07:15 AM