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October 16, 2006


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Michael Knowles

There are two types of groups that have worked well for me. One is the Association of Professional Communication Consultants (APCC, -- I've met great people, done some service work, and got a lead that turned into a great strategy facilitation project.

Seminars are the second avenue I've found useful. I take those I'm predisposed to take anyway, and end up meeting potential clients in the process. I've landed two long-term clients in that way, and it's been great.

I'd like to get more involved with my fellow InfoGurus, too, so I guess that makes three!


Andrea Glass

I tried some of the BNI type groups and generic women's networking groups as well as joining some Chambers of Commerce. Although I built some relationships I didn't find myself getting many clients and referral partners until I joined trade associations where my target market was. I have had much more success at the San Diego Professional Coaches Alliance, iMarketers, San Diego Ad Club, and International Association of Business Communicators. And I don't just go there looking for clients, but to build reciprocal referral relationships. It works!

Joel Deceuster

I've had a lot of luck with my alumni business association. It's put me in touch with influential business contacts throughout the bay area. I started off three years ago as an occasional attendee. Now I've been president for the past two years and have expanded my network by hundreds of professionals. It's all the result of focusing upon one or two professional organizations and getting involved - contributing my time. Well worth the investment. Joel

Kristin Salada

I've found that it helps to divide my professional association memberships into 2 categories: 1) associations where my actual prospects are members - companies with 100+ employees, and 2) associations with people who can refer me to my prospects, like the New England Women Business Owners - they have deep networks and our relationships have matured over time, resulting in referrals to contacts at larger companies. Both categories of associations fit well into my marketing efforts!

Lyle T. Lachmuth - The Unsticking Coach

In recent years I've had particular success by joining online communities. Particularly invaluable ones include:

- You own Infoguru Forum
- My alumni listserv
- Coachtalk-L
- The Well Fed Writer's group on Yahoo

Oh, and a word to the 'lurkers': participation leads to familiarity.



I like the info here. They are all doable and the tips are situational. This info very well suits beginners in marketing.

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