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May 01, 2006


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Andrea Glass

My biggest challenge in implementing marketing strategies is knowing what to tweak when I'm not getting results. The only way that I've found to solve this is to have a business coach who can use her expertise to let me know what I could be doing differently and better. This one thing has had the most impact on improving my results.

Jerry L Fletcher

The dumbest thing I did (I've been working hard to correct it in the last few years) is not to invest in joint ventures with other experienced consultants. I had my own core competence. I had been making a very good living on it for twenty years.
However, there were a lot of ways what I did could have been connected to/been a part of what other experienced consultants were doing. Both I and they could have made a lot more money together than being loners.
In the past few years I have been aggressively developing joint ventures, investing in the materials with other consultants, and generating income streams with them which we split. It has two beneficial effects: money and new ideas. My mind has been stretched powerfully by trying to blend my expertise with that of others.
I have found that if the other person is experienced, and been in the game for many years, we wouldn't even think of stealing from each other. We're profoundly respectful of each other's work, and yet enjoy the challenge of seeing where our joint thinking leads us.



After reading this article, I realize the biggest mistake I make is being afraid to take risks. On a daily basis, I bypass business opportunities because I make the decision that certain businesses won't want what I am offering. This article is a real eye opener.

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