The purpose of the More Clients Blog is for Independent professionals to share ideas on attracting clients. Please participate by answering or commenting on this week's question below. Click on title below to read More Clients in full.
Your Marketing Vision for 2006
In our businesses we get what we envision. If we can imagine it, feel it and see it, then the actions required to make it real become apparent. (Not that it doesn't take some work.) The question isn't "What are you going to do this year?" The question is "What do you really want in your business this year?"
This week, please share the following with us:
If it were impossible to fail, what would you create for your business in 2006?
Robert you suck. Badly. Full of Fluff with no real stuff!
Posted by: cpsyl | February 21, 2006 at 02:39 PM
I've just discovered you've got a blog.
I had to step back from my much-loved Infoguru forum and friends as I found the postings so prolific I was drowning and felt unable to sort through it all. But I miss it.
I'm hoping your blog may provide a compromise!
Thanks for coming back into my world!!!
Posted by: Chris | January 29, 2006 at 06:35 PM
Hi Robert. Thanks for the great teleclass today. I need first to let you know that the quote you contributed to WH Murray is actually from the German poet, philosopher Johan Wolfgang von Goethe. It’s been a favorite for mine for years too:
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation) there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: That the moment one definitely commits oneself, Providence moves too. All sorts of things then occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred…A whole stream of events issue from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no one could have dreamed would come this way…Whatever you can do or dream, you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” – German poet, philosopher Johan Wolfgang von Goethe
I can’t thank you enough for your presence and the wisdom you share. I am particularly drawn to the logic and “soft” persuasion of your sales pages. Too many sales pages make me feel like I am being yelled at. You simply make the point and tell the story and the logic is so clear there is only one conclusion—action. You work has begun to go in my swipe file.
There are extraordinarily wonderful opportunities open to me in 2006. My vision is to reach more people throughout the world and through my offerings, add deep value to their life experience. There will be more e-books, teleclasses, cds, coaching, e-magazines and even new blogs but the overriding objective is to be in deep service by effectively and inspirationally sharing what I know and what excites me with others.
I know that the right partners, the right lessons, the right insights, the right products, the right support, the right clients and the right income is already in place and I joyously accept them in my life now.
May your day be filled with infinite possibilities,
Cara Lumen, Metaphysical Philosopher
Posted by: Cara Lumen | January 09, 2006 at 11:10 AM
If I couldn't fail, I'd do more mail marketing with Valpak, tv,write press releases, take out ads-get more clients!
Write a book! Create a blog! Have a client-capturing web site.
Go to any conference I want-even not related to Coaching!
Also, go on European tandem bike vacations more often. Be able to pay myself a good salary!
Marcia Merrill,
Posted by: Marcia Merrill | January 06, 2006 at 08:55 AM
If it were impossible to fail, I'd develop 8 new health & wellness group programs (1 month each) this year and produce passive revenue from the intellectual property I create while producing the groups. And I'd work with a partner (Carol Moss) to create an 8-week Body Balance program that will be offered 2-4 times a year.
So that's what I'm going to do! As a member of your Marketing Action groups, I'm delighted that I will have access to the resources I'll need to make this dream a reality. Cheryl
Posted by: Cheryl Miller | January 05, 2006 at 11:22 AM
I would to thank you Robert for all help I got from buying the Action Plan Toolkit and the InfoGuru Marketing Manual.
I have had a tuff time struggling with my marketing for the last 2 years, as I'm a new small business owner. The whole life was a struggle...This year I want to enjoy my marketing and I want to feel that things are under control. I would like to attract clients in order to fill my 8 courses planed for 2006 and also to be able to publish two articles.
Happy New Year to everyone!
Antonia, Sweden
Posted by: Antonia Stjernfelt | January 05, 2006 at 06:10 AM
Well done on the blog Robert - it will interesting to see how blogs work in our style of business.
Vision for this year?
Complete my business and marketing plan with your Action Plan Tool Kit with an overriding focus of my effort on 'people' - say 80% - with the remaining 20% on 'process'.
Go well in 2006!
Doug Jardine
Jardine Business Solutions
Posted by: Doug Jardine | January 05, 2006 at 01:29 AM
I was wondering when you were going to start a blog...or I was at least hoping you would. :-)
Although I rarely post on the forum, I have been an avid InfoGuru fan since 2001. I love all your stuff and especially your practical, straightforward approach.
In response to your newsletter question regarding my vision for 2006, I plan on creating 2 info products this year, a new coaching program and increasingly my public speaking gigs.
If I could have anything I wanted in 2006 I would have all my income come from passive sources and would speak at large seminars across the globe.
Posted by: Juliet | January 03, 2006 at 11:05 PM
Robert~ Thanks for providing a clear, simple way to approach the visioning process. Here's what my vision is for 2006:
This year I want to be totally energized by my business. I want to wake up every morning glowing with enthusiasm because I’m ready for all the great things that are headed my way.
I want to reach thousands of working moms through my eZine and cause them to act on my benefit-rich programs and services.
I want to secure sponsorships with at least five major corporations/employers who happily pay me to develop exciting new programs for working moms.
I want to write my way to entrepreneurial success (and millions) by getting my articles published across the Internet and in print, and by selling infoproducts that fly off the shelf!
Thanks again Robert. I'm already feeling jazzed about the New Year!
Michele Dortch
Founder, The Integrated Mother
Posted by: Michele Dortch | January 03, 2006 at 09:24 PM
Way to go, Robert!
I love your blog and reminding us about "vision"
Yes, finishing my book proposal, interesting an agent who will sell it to a publisher, and then finishing the BOOK.
In the Marketing arena, I am excited about sending out more e-zines and starting to hold teleseminars.
Thanks, Robert for spurring all of us on!
Posted by: Chris King | January 03, 2006 at 11:28 AM
This is awesome. When I think back over the last 20 years, my best
Marketing Plan and my best Sales Plan (these were ten years apart
incidentally) were brimming with "feelings" of excitement, enthusiasm
and a sense of purpose. The results were over-accomplishment of the
goals I set forth, and both also involved moving into new territories of
With the second one, I remember having coffee with a close friend and
talking about my sales goals. I was willing to strive for X and she was
encouraging me to go for Y (about double "X"). I said I would never be
able to do it. She said, "But, Craig, just think how you will feel!" I
did not need to conjure up those feelings; they welled up inside of me
immediately. At that very moment, I became committed to go for that
goal, and the Sales Plan (and subsequent strategies, tactics, and
to-do's) flowed out of those powerful feelings.
Yes, it was a lot of work, and there was discouragement and setbacks.
And, you are right -- the feelings I wanted was the driving force, not
the goal on paper. The discipline and perseverance resulted from how I
would feel once I achieved the goal. In the end I was successful, and it
felt even better than I imagined it.
Thank you for reminding me of the power of feelings, Robert.
Have a great New Year!
Craig Pixley
Account Executive
Navigant Performance Group
Posted by: Craig Pixley | January 03, 2006 at 10:59 AM
Welcome to the Blogesphere, Robert! Your insightful contributions will be valuable to us all.
Here's a quotation that helped me get into the proper frame of mind to set my 2006 vision:
"I tend to become what I expect to become. I tend to achieve what I expect to achieve."
My first attempt at defining my vision was from a revenue standpoint. However, I think a more personal vision is motivating too, so here goes:
I intend to automate my business to give me the freedom and luxury of time. Time to spend relaxing with my family; to have more travel adventures, more time reading great books and more time doing something artsy and creative.
Putting automated systems in place will allow my conflict coaching business to serve more small businesses at a better price point.
Thanks, Robert!
Dina Beach Lynch, Ombuds, CEO
Featured in Inc. Magazine
Posted by: Dina Beach Lynch, Esq. | January 03, 2006 at 07:56 AM
Hello all,
I love the article on vision -- right up my alley.
My 2006 vision is on shifting from building up clients to a business that supports my lifestyle.
If anything were possible, my business would be comprised of 75%passive revenue, and my coaches would do 90% of the coaching. My staff would be on auto-pilot and handle everything in my company.
I would literally show up to my speaking engagements, faciliate the live events and coach my Inner Circle 7 fig program.
That sounds exciting!
Melanie Strick
The Entrepreneur's Success Coach
Posted by: Melanie Strick | January 03, 2006 at 07:17 AM
Congratulations, Robert, on taking the big step into blogville. It's a wonderful, busy place here in the small business community and you will run into thousands who are already in your fan club and advocates of InfoGuru Marketing.
My marketing vision for 2006 is to follow through on everything started with you in 2005. Here's the problem. It works so well and so fast that one gets a little overrun with success, which causes the need for resources to catch up to the customers knocking to get it. It's like a successful event and you run out of glasses, plates, food, chairs, forks, etc. Plus the fire marshall tells you that you just went past capacity.
GP - "Customers Count" at
Posted by: Georgia Patrick | January 03, 2006 at 06:15 AM
May I also offer my congrats on you joining the blogosphere! I hope you find it to be a positive add-on to your ezine.
If I couldn't fail I would want to work exclusively with clients looking to grow their business.
Although I don't mind working with people looking to put up an online brochure, I'd prefer to work with entrepreneurs who want to use the Web to grow their business. This might mean using search engine optimization, email marketing, business blogging, and developing an effective Web site using many of the techniques you layout in your WSTK.
And, to throw my .02 towards Arlene, I'd recommend NOT reducing the frequency of posts, but rather their length if time is short. Signing up for something like Google Alerts and using a news reader to skim related blogs is a great way to get fodder for your blog.
Also, I enjoyed the fact your first newsletter of '06 was "Your Marketing Vision for 2006." My last newsletter of 2005 was "Your 2006 Web Marketing Plan!"
You can find it at
Best of luck in 2006!
Posted by: Rich Brooks [flyte] | January 03, 2006 at 04:40 AM
Welcome to the blogosphere Robert! What a wonderful thing it will be to have a cup of coffee in the morning and a thought from you.
I just launched my blog about a month ago. It has totally changed my life - like uncorking a bottle. I just love it.
If ANYTHING were possible, I would want to have 100% passive income in 2006.
I love writing infoproducts, marketing, etc. I would love to be able to spend all my time doing that and just sitting back and getting checks!
Also, I'd love to earn enough that I could attend any conference and not blink at what the price is. I love learning. I am a total learning addict!
Blessings to you in 2006 Robert!
Posted by: Kristie Tamsevicius | January 03, 2006 at 04:36 AM
First Robert, congrats on the Blog!
I'm trying to focus on a single BHAG for this year....the BOOK!
So, I'm constructing my marketing plan around supporting and promoting the book.
The book has the working title: End the Pain: A Workbook To Help End Fear, Pain, and Illness and Unleash Your Creative Self!
I haven't worked out the details of the plan yet -- that's the plan for the next few weeks.
Bon chance.
Posted by: Lyle | January 03, 2006 at 02:40 AM
My marketing vision for the coming year includes the following:
- To increase the usefulness of my site by:
a. actually going thru and posting the many important resources that I have socked away in folders in my email program
b. locating relevant and interesting new articles and getting permission to post them
- To create a blog about High Tech Startups
The first is relatively easy to do, since I can work on the various aspects of improving my site at my own speed.
The second is much more problematic. I fear that the blog will be so time-consuming that, at some point, I will have to reduce the frequency of entries to less than once-a-week.
Any suggestions?
Arlene Marom
Posted by: Arlene Marom | January 03, 2006 at 12:38 AM